Parent & Family Council Mission

家长和家庭在大学生活中扮演着至关重要的角色, and your involvement through the Parent & 家庭委员会将有助于提高教育质量,并为您的学生增加大学经历. The Parent & 家庭委员会支持mg冰球突破豪华版下载培养学生成为积极学习者的目标, effective leaders, responsible community members, and globally engaged citizens. It provides the administration with timely and insightful feedback from the families’ point of view; serves as a resource for Elmira College families; and promotes meaningful connection with the College.

Elmira College Mission

Grounded in the liberal arts and sciences, mg冰球突破豪华版下载在普通教育和专业教育方面都力求卓越, 提供一个协作和支持的环境,使学生成为积极的学习者, effective leaders, responsible community members, and globally engaged citizens. Proud of its history and tradition, mg冰球突破豪华版下载致力于多元化的理想, environmental sustainability, experiential learning, community engagement, and intellectual and personal growth.

Parent & Family Council Roles:

  • 任期一年,可续期,并照顾两位家长 & Family Council meetings per year. 会议将每两年举行一次,与学术日历上的秋季和冬季学期保持一致. 对于那些无法进入校园的学生,将有一个虚拟的选择.

  • Serve as Parent & 出席书院特别活动的家庭大使, 特别是那些由招生和机构推进办公室赞助的 & Alumni Engagement.

  • 每年在“父”服务期间捐献1,000美元或以上的领导捐献 & Family Council to the Fund for Elmira College. Parents & 承诺每年捐赠1000美元或更多的家庭将得到美国家庭协会的认可 Cowles Circle honor roll of benefactors. 

  • 参与年度捐赠活动,如有需要,协助机构发展办公室募集其他家长捐赠,以支持学院.

  • As Parent Ambassadors, 向未来的学生和家长宣传mg冰球突破豪华版下载可以提供什么, friends, businesses, high school counselors, and other interested parties.

  • mg冰球突破豪华版下载主任合作,进一步提高学生在mg冰球突破豪华版下载的体验.

  • 写一篇关于你父母的故事或文章 & mg冰球突破豪华版下载的家庭经历.

  • 与被录取学生的家庭沟通,回答问题, promote the institution, and to encourage those students to attend.  

  • 担任职业导师,主持“工作影子”日,或主持mg冰球突破豪华版下载的学生实习生.  

  • 是否有机会为学生、校友及家庭举办地区性活动.

Parent & Family Council Member Benefits:

  • Reserved seating and parking at Commencement.

  • 邀请独家学院活动在校内和校外.

  • 接收引用即将发生的事件的信息, special notices about campus life, and news, including our quarterly eNewsletter. 

  • 享受家庭周末的特别优惠, 包括提前登记和参加与总裁和高级官员的炉边谈话.

  • As a valued volunteer, 你将听到学院领导和教职员工分享他们对埃尔迈拉经历的看法和见解. Parent & 家庭议会会议包括培训,帮助你更适应你的义工角色, 重点是向你展示你的慈善事业对埃尔迈拉的影响.

Interested in learning more? 联系悉尼Stringham ' 19, MSEd ' 21, MS ' 23,校友活动主任 or (607) 735-1855.

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